"There's water on the handle fair warning"

Friday, July 29, 2011

Picture day

Today is the day of pictures where Amber goes into the city of ogden and our friends take magical photos of her making her look beautiful. I'll keep you posted on today's events 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chips and Salsa

One day (a Monday to be precise), Amber went to camp....Thursday, Amber got back from camp and decided to tell Wade that she loves him. Wade decided he loved her as well and thought they should hang out.  But Amber decided she needed a 5 hour nap before (camp will do that to ya) and then Wade came and took her to his house. After awhile she got hungry. (again we just ate dinner) He said "let us go to Smith's!!!" so they headed to that wonderful store in Farmington. On they way, the GPS told them to go left. They went right. While pulling off the highway, Wade decided the best philosophy for life is to go and just hope no one is in your way. Good words to live by. They then called the third best friend, Kyer (who happens to be in Idaho at the moment) to tell him about those words but Amber was laughing to hard to tell him so Wade stole the phone but he wasn't good enough for Kyer and he demanded the story from Amber. They hung out for a  prolonged amount of time, (because of Amber) bugging the Employees and customers of Smith's....and also considered stealing Kyer's check but decided that broke multiple laws. Eventually they got to the chips and salsa and then went for a random peach.They were all hard and extremely unhappy but they got one for each of them anyways. They headed back to Wade's house and opened up the salsa...all 3 containers of it. They fought about which salsa is the best(Wade's moms salsa is pretty bomb and there is no tequila in the tequila salsa O.o) And also about which chips win(Amber's do!) (Wade's do) (Amber's do) (Wade's do) (Amber's do) (Amber let's just call it a tie) (O.K. Wade tie) After this argument we decided the good people of the world need to know about their amazing adventures and they started a blog together. It is the most amazing things in the world. We are Amber and Wade(Kyer is absent) and these will be our adventure chronicles.